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Welcome to the Engineers section of our web site. Our objective for this section is to provide as much useful technical information as we can for engineers and architects who are interested in designing projects with helical piles as deep foundation or anchoring solutions. As you can see, currently we have a substantial technical library that includes listings of articles written about helical piles in various applications, a listing of the patents awarded for helical piles, information on U.S. building code compliance, and information on basic helical pile design elements.

We expect and we need this section to grow dramatically as more and more engineers and architects visit our site and begin communicating with us about their knowledge and experiences with helical piles. We invite you to contact Helical Pile World and start a dialogue concerning the world of helical piles.

Below are links and PDF files of relatively recent papers written by HPW Technical Advisory Team members.  We would like to extend an open invitation to professionals in our industry to submit papers to HPW for potential posting on our site.

Performance of Helical Piles in Oil Sands

      By Dr. Mohammed Sakr

Helical Piles – An Effective Foundation System for Solar Plants

       By Dr. Mohammed Sakr

Installation and Performance Characteristics of High Capacity Helical Piles in Cohesionless Soils

       By Dr. Mohammed Sakr

Wind Turbine Foundations Using Helical Piles

      By Lorie M. Dilley, PS/CPG and Laurie Hulse, PE

Dealing with Corrosion: Helical Piling

      By Kevin Davies - with permission from Institute of Helical Pile Engineering

Lateral Resistance of High Capacity Helical Piles

      By Dr. Mohammed Sakr

High Capacity Helical Piles – A New Dimension For Bridge Foundations

     By Dr. Mohammed Sakr

Relationship Between Installation Torque and Uplift Capacity of Deep Helical Piles in Sand


     By Dr. Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha and Nelson Aoki

Physical Modeling of Helical Pile Anchors


     By C. Tsuha, N. Aoki, G. Rault, L. Thorel, J. Garnier