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The DFI Helical (Screw) Pile Seismic Study research team recently accepted the opportunity to use the University of California San Diego shake table - the largest in the U.S. - to perform full-scale seismic load tests on helical piles early next year.  It took some serious work to make this happen . . . more

Michael Perlow, Jr., P.E. has Submitted Excerpts to HPW from a DFI Journal Paper Entitled Helical Pile Drilled Foundations

The intent of the submittal to HPW is to offer a proposed helical pile design methodology that is based upon the 2006 Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual . . . read the paper now

GRL Engineers has Re-Designed Its APPLE VII Dynamic Compression Load Testing System for Helical Piles

The APPLE VII is a totally self-contained system that ships easily and sets up quickly at job sites.  Now it is possible to complete multiple dynamic ASTM D4945 compression load tests economically in a single day . . . more

International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES) and CTL/Thompson are Asking for Help from Helical Pile Manufacturers in Order to Modify AC358 to Include Pile Diameters Larger than 3.50 Inches

Moncef Souissi of CTL/Thompson has published a survey form designed to gather information and opinions about how best to proceed with expanding AC358 to include helical piles with diameters greater than 3.50 inches . . . click here to access the survey

Helical Pile Industry 2013 Review and 2014 Outlook

Recently HPW conducted a survey that included seven helical pile manufacturers and one distributor to gather data and insight into sales volume activity in 2013 versus 2012.  The survey also includes the groups’ outlook and forecasts for sales in 2014 . . . more

The 2015 DFI Helical Piles & Tiebacks Seminar was Held in Newark, NJ on September 10th  with Several Speakers Making Presentations on Repair and Rebuilding Activities Resulting from Super Storm Sandy

With the new FEMA flood codes in place, many homeowners along the coastline have made commitments to raise their existing house or build a new one with eight feet or more of elevation, and helical piles are providing the preferred foundation solution for contractors . . . more

GRL Engineers Conducts Two Dynamic Load Tests in One Day on Chance® Helical Pulldown MicropilesTM on a Project in Jersey City

Before McAuliffe Contractors could proceed with the installation of (105) Chance Helical Pulldown Micropiles, GRL Engineers was contracted to conduct two load tests using their Dynamic Load Test system (APPLE) that is not only fast but also eliminates the need for reaction piles . . . more

PENGO Announces Lower Prices for Its TruLink Torque System

The system is now available in (4) class sizes ranging from a 45mm pin to a 114mm pin and it can measure torque up to 300,000 ft. lbs. . . . more

Deep Excavation, LLC Publishes a List of Lateral Load Tests Calibrated with HelixPile 2015TM Software Capabilities

HelixPile 2015 is now the only commercially available helical pile software to include settlement response and lateral load analysis capabilities.  The company has now posted (4) load test results on their site . . . more

The DFI Helical Piles and Tiebacks Helical (Screw) Pile Seismic Research Study is Now in High Gear

Dr. Amy Cerato and her research team are hard at work on Task #1 of the Helical (Screw) Pile Seismic Research Study - literature review and compilation.  Also, fund raising efforts are being stepped up as new volunteers have joined the team . . . more

Wayne Thompson Finds Some Worthwhile Reading for Helical Pile Manufacturers to Help When Ordering Certain Steel Products

Wayne’s New Year’s resolution to better manage the trade magazine pile on his desk pays off right away with a nice article in Modern Steel Construction magazine . . . more

DFI’s University PowerPoint Presentation on Helical Piles and Anchors has Been a Very Popular Download - 220 and Counting

Since its introduction in June 2014, the University PowerPoint presentation has been downloaded by more than 220 people, so we want to remind educators and others that may not be aware of its existence to learn about it now. . . more

GRL Engineers Perfects Dynamic Load Testing Services for Helical Piles and Saves Contractors Time and Money

Time is Money - and the GRL dynamic load testing solution saves a ton of time for contractors that need to include load tests costs in their bids - and the solution requires no reaction piles to be installed . . . more

Several DFI Members at the October Conference Volunteered to Help with Research and Design of a Helical Pile Design Guide

The first meeting was held on November 19th via a conference call, and team leader Wayne Thompson led the effort to develop the action plan . . . more

The DFI Helical Piles & Tiebacks Committee Recently Launched the Fund Raising Campaign to Fund the Helical (Screw) Pile Seismic Study

The fund raising campaign is being led by Publisher and DFI member, Bill Bonekemper, and he is extremely excited to announce a great start for the campaign thanks to several progressive-minded companies that have stepped up to lead the way . . . more

Evaluating Installation Disturbance of Helical Anchors in Clay From Field Vane Tests - a New Paper by Dr. Alan Lutenegger, John Erikson and Nicholas Williams

Dr. Alan Lutenegger, noted researcher and author of many papers on helical piles and anchors, and two University of Massachusetts colleagues recently released a paper that documents the results of field vane tests conducted on helical anchor installations in clay soils . . . more

Bearing and Friction Design Capacity for Helical Anchors and Piles - Reintroduction of a Time-Tested Paper Authored by Gary Seider

CTL/Thompson’s Wayne Thompson finds a diamond in the rough with respect to helical pile and helical anchor design papers, and he is interested to see if others in the industry agree with him . . . more

Climate Change - Hurricanes - Helical Piles

More severe storms with rising sea levels and greater tidal surges are wreaking havoc on coastal homes and businesses.  Helical Piles have been used successfully to repair damaged coastal structures, and professionals are starting to seek more information about their use for new construction and repair . . . more

Pengo Announces a New Revolution Series Torque Motor - 8,000 Ft Lbs of Torque in an 85 Lb Footprint

The "Revolution" continues at Pengo with the announcement of the NEW Revolution RS-6X hand-held anchor drive, and it is the ultimate solution for helical pile and helical anchor applications with limited access . . . more

Pengo Announces Two New Additions to Its Sales Management Team

A new foundation and drives manager and a new territory manager for the company’s eleven state southern region . . . more

Pengo Announces a New Revolution Series Torque Motor - 8,000 Ft Lbs of Torque in an 85 Lb Footprint

The "Revolution" continues at Pengo with the announcement of the NEW Revolution RS-6X hand-held anchor drive, and it is the ultimate solution for helical pile and helical anchor applications with limited access . . . more

Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Helical Piles & Tiebacks Committee Has Released the Final Version of the Model Specification Helical Anchor Foundations Tension Applications

This final version of the specification has been approved by the DFI Technical Advisory Committee . . . more

CTL Thompson Expands in Fort Collins with Additional Staff and New Testing Facilities

The only IAS accredited helical pile testing facility is expanding its Fort Collins operation to enhance the company’s testing capabilities . . . more

Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Introduces a University Presentation on Helical Piles and Anchors - Now Includes Narration by Dr. Samuel Clemence

The educational presentation provides introductory-level information for professors to use to introduce helical pile and anchor products and solutions to geotechnical engineering students . . . more

Helical Pile Industry 2012 Review and 2013 Outlook

Recently HPW conducted a survey that included seven helical pile manufacturers and one distributor to gather data and insight into sales volume activity in 2012 versus 2011.  The survey also includes the groups’ outlook and forecasts for sales in 2013 . . . more

ICC-ES and A.B. Chance / Hubbell Respond to HPW Editorial Opinion Concerning the Potential for an Uneven Playing Field Relative to ICC-ES Helical Pile Product Certifications

On August 16th HPW published an editorial opinion about the recently awarded code certification ESR-2794 for two A.B. Chance round corner square bar helical piles - the SS5 and the SS175 and related caps and brackets.  The link to the editorial opinion can be found below.  Since the editorial was published, HPW has been in discussion with representatives from both ICC-ES and A.B. Chance / Hubbell, and HPW has posted each company’s response letters . . . more

Industry Software Giant Deep Excavation Releases HelixPile 2014 TM Software for Designing Helical Pile Foundations

HelixPile 2014TM software represents a new method for estimating the settlement response of helical piles . . . more

HAL Gets High Marks from U.S. and International Helical Pile Installers

Since its 2012 introduction, HAL (Heritage Anchor Lift) customers credit the innovative helical pile installation system for improving installation efficiencies and significantly reducing labor costs . . more

A Word of Caution for Helical Pile Manufacturers about Material Specifications - Steel Yield & Ultimate Strength

CTL Thompson’s Wayne Thompson provides excellent insight and a word of caution for manufacturers who may experience fluctuations in yield and ultimate strength ratings from their steel suppliers . . . more

Helical Pile Connection Bolts - SAE or ASTM?

A few seemingly minor differences are in fact not so minor when

it comes to structural engineering calculations . . . more

GRL Engineers High Strain Dynamic Load Test Case Study for Helical Pile Project at Dow Chemical Site

A case study on High Strain Dynamic Load Tests (HSDLT) on (4) 9.63” diameter helical piles with 20” - 24” helix bearing plates at a Dow Chemical project site in Midland, MI. . . . more

A New Standard for Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) - ASTM A1085

Wayne Thompson from CTL/Thompson provides insight on the new specification and the potential impact for the helical pile industry . . . more

A Potentially Uneven Playing Field has been Created for the Helical Pile Industry by the International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES™)

HPW challenges ICC-ES staff to re-examine the recently issued ESR-2794 - the code certification for two A.B. Chance round corner square shaft helical pile products and related caps and brackets.  Several questions are raised about the relative adherence to the guidelines for capacity verifications as defined in AC358 - the acceptance criteria for helical piles and helical pile systems . . . more on this editorial opinion

Historic Colorado Floods - Unimaginable Destruction, Pain and Suffering Plus Enormous Rebuilding Costs

It is very hard for anyone not affected by the recent Colorado floods to imagine the scope of the devastation and the physical and emotional pain inflicted upon residents and businesses.  Helical piles will be an important component in the rebuilding efforts . . . more

GRL Engineers Perfects Dynamic Load Testing for Helical Piles

Much faster than static load testing and also less expensive – as much as 50% less . . . more

ICC-ES Approves a Few Significant Changes to AC358

Finally some much needed changes to AC358 have been approved by ICC-ES that should simplify the certification process somewhat and lower some of the testing costs . . . more

Survey on Current Practices in Helical Piles and Helical Anchors

The DFI Helical Piles & Tiebacks Committee is currently conducting an online survey to acquire as much information as possible to prepare a comprehensive study on the use, design and installation of helical piles and anchors . . . learn more about the survey here

PENGO Posts TruLink Torque Monitoring System Video on YouTube

New video takes viewers through the TruLink features and operation . . . more

CTL/Thompson Offers Unique Services for Helical Pile Industry

A traditional geotechnical engineering services company seizes a unique opportunity by offering important services for the helical pile industry . . . more

Accreditation - How Far Does It Go?

So you finally got your accreditation, after months of pulling your hair out and cussing out various people at assorted 3 letter organizations (CTL, IAS, IRS, CIA, etc).  Now what?   . . . more

PENGO Announces TruLinkTM an All New Torque Monitoring System

TruLink TM measures direct torque, installation angle and depth, and the data is displayed in real time on an 8” touch screen that is easily mounted in an operator’s cab  . . . more

Dr. Mohammed Sakr’s Paper on Multiple Helical Pile Load Tests in Canadian Oil Sands Region

HPW technical advisor Dr. Mohammed Sakr’s paper details compression, tension and lateral load tests results on medium diameter piles with a single helix versus piles with two helicies . . . read it now

CTL Thompson Defines Accreditation and Quality Standards

IAS Lab Manager Moncef Souissi provides detailed insight into the world of the organizations that write and enforce accreditation and quality standards   . . . more

CTL Thompson Adds Turnkey Service for Helical Pile Manufacturers

The industry’s leading provider of helical pile testing services has added a valuable new turnkey service to help manufacturers expedite applications for submission to ICC-ES . . . more

Mr. Darin Willis, P.E. Joins HPW’s Technical Advisory Team

Bill Bonekemper, Publisher of, recently announced that Darin Willis, P.E. has joined the HPW Technical Advisors Team.  Mr. Willis is Director of Engineering for Ram Jack Systems Distribution and has many years of experience in both the helical pile industry and structural engineering . . . more

PRO-DIG-USA Announces DTC Calibration Service for Contractors

Contractors in need of calibrating or testing torque motors, augers, drive motors and Intelli-Torktm systems can now obtain DTC calibration certifications that are traceable to NIST standards . . . more

A Paper with Theoretical Equations for Predicting Installation Torque for Helical Pipe Piles

With a career spanning more than 35 years involving both the practical and engineering disciplines surrounding helical pile installations, Mr. Wayne Rogers, P.E. has developed a theory for predicting the required torque for the installation of helical pipe piles . . . more

ICC-ES AC358 Revisions are Approved - Finally!

After two long years of hard work and countless conference calls and meetings, the revised Acceptance Criteria for Helical Pile Systems and Devices (AC358) has finally been approved by the International Code Council (ICC)  . . . more

Introducing HAL - Heritage Anchor Lift from HEAT Manufacturing

HAL is a new and revolutionary helical tieback anchor and helical pile installation system for foundation repair contractors . . . more

PENGO Introduces Two New Products

Major torque motor manufacturer announces two new products - Long Reach Drive & New Series DV Drive . . . more

PRO-DIG-USA Releases Intelli-Tork TM Instructional Video

A tip of the hat goes to team PRO-DIG-USA on the release of a very, very well done instructional video on their industry-leading Intelli-TorkTM wireless torque, angle and depth monitoring system . . . more

Torque Motor Calibration

The importance of accurate torque readings for helical pile installation projects has never been more important.  Industry expert, Chip Leadbetter, provides valuable insight into the science and practical application challenges . . . more

PRO-DIG-USA Publishes Intelli-TorkTM Specification for Engineers

Digital file of Intelli-TorkTM specification now available for engineers to include in helical pile project specifications   . . . more

CTL/Thompson Offers Unique Services for Helical Pile Industry

A traditional geotechnical engineering services company seizes a unique opportunity by starting important new services for the helical pile industry . . . more

PRO-DIG-USA - Intelli-Tork Wireless Actual Torque Monitoring

Helical pile installation actual torque displayed in real time on one or more wireless PDA’s – It’s About Time!. . . more

CTL/Thompson Offers Unique Services for Helical Pile Industry

A traditional geotechnical engineering services company seizes a unique opportunity by starting important new services for the helical pile industry . . . more

PRO-DIG-USA - Intelli-Tork Wireless Torque Monitoring

Helical pile installation torque displayed in real time on one or more wireless PDA’s – It’s About Time!. . . more

Helical Piles - An Effective Foundation System for Solar Plants

HPW Technical Advisory Team Member, Dr. Mohammed Sakr, has provided a case history on the use of helical piles as foundations for a solar plant located in Ontario, Canada. . . read it now

New Technical Paper on Effects of Corrosion on Helical Piles

HPW Technical Advisory Team Member, Mr. Kevin Davies, develops a very comprehensive presentation on corrosion and the effects on helical piles.   HPW wishes to thank the Institute of Helical Pile Engineering for sharing Mr. Davis’s presentation. . . read it now

HPW is Pleased to Welcome Patriot Foundation Systems - a Helical Pile Manufacturer and Distributor to Our Website

Founded in 2011 by Warren Neumann, an accomplished contractor in central Florida, Patriot is now poised for rapid growth in the U.S. with RCS and Round Shaft helical pile products  . . . more

HPW is Pleased to Welcome Canadian-Based Techno Metal Post to Our Website

Recently the company received a revised ESR-3418 for two of their 3.50” diameter helical piles . . . more

Helical Anchors, Inc. Recently Joined Forces with Their New Distributor - East Coast Piles - to Exhibit at IASM

Helical piles were a major point of interest at the International Association of Structural Movers Conference in New Jersey because of new FEMA elevation code requirements . . . more

Helical Anchors, Inc. Announces ICC-ES AC358 Testing is Underway for Company’s 2.875” Product Line

Company officials understand the importance of having the ESR and expect to receive it for the product line in 3-5 months . . . more

HPW is Pleased to Welcome GoliathTech Piles - the First Canadian Helical Pile Manufacturer to Participate on Our Site

A ten plus year old company based in Magog, Quebec, GoliathTech is a major player in Canada and is now poised for major U.S. expansion . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Announces Helicast - a Grouted Helical Pile System

New product consists of standard solid square shaft lead and extension sections with a soil displacement plate at each coupler location . . . more

MPS Civil Products Division Announces a Significant Distributor Agreement

Kent Companies, an MPS distributor for many years, recently reached an agreement with Arklatex Helical Distributors to expand its service area to include (24) states . . . read about it now

Hubbell-Chance Announces a New Interior Slab Bracket (ISB) for Interior Slab Remediation

Innovative bracket design works with the patented Combo Pile, and is designed to lower overall project costs . . . read about it now

Hubbell-Chance Recently Received ICC-ES Certification for Two New Helical Pile Products

ESR-2794 now includes the RS3500 3.50” Round Shaft Helical Pile in addition to the SS175/RS3500 Combo Helical Pile . . . click here to access ESR-2794

Helical Anchors, Inc. Taps Mike O’Connor to be the Company’s East Region Sales Manager

With more than fifteen years of experience in several aspects of the helical pile industry, Mike is now responsible for adding disbributors and installation contractors to the HAI network . . . more

Helical Anchors, Inc. Has an Immediate Opening for a Sales Engineer

The company is looking for an experienced sales engineer with a minimum of 5 years helical pile sales experience . . . more

Helical Anchors, Inc. has an Opening for a Manager of Engineering

The company has an immediate opening for a Professional Engineer that has a minimum of five years of experience in structural and/or geotechnical engineering  . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Announces a New Release of Their HelixPro® Helical Design Software

The web-based software program now includes a “Search for Piles” module that automatically configures shaft and helix bearing plate sizes . . . more

Helical Anchors, Inc. is Looking for an East Coast Distributor

Minneapolis-based manufacturer is looking for a distributor for its inertia welded helical pile product line . . . more

IDEAL is Mighty Proud of Their Welding Team - and Rightfully So

Nine members of the IDEAL manufacturing welding team passed the Performance Qualification Test - on their very first attempt . . . read about it now

Empire Piers Moves All Manufacturing and Offices to New Facility in Winfield, MO Northwest of St. Louis

The move consolidated two company operations previously located in Crestwood and Louisiana and was made necessary by the company’s rapid growth since its founding in 2009 . . . more

ECP’s One Step Solar Foundation System is a Proven Winner for the Solar Power Industry

The round shaft helical pile solution provides the ultimate solution for fast and cost effective solar array foundations that can be loaded immediately after installation . . . more

Hubbell Power Systems Receives City of Los Angeles Research Report - LARR #25984

Approval for Chance type SS5 and SS175 helical foundation systems . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Receives LARR Research Report from the City of Los Angeles

FSI’s HP288 helical pile product was recently awarded certification for use on remedial repair projects within the City of Los Angeles . . . read about it now

IDEAL Group is Expanding

An industry leader in the manufacturing of large capacity helical piles is poised for expansion.  A totally redesigned website is a key component . . . more

White Paper - Hydraulic Drive Head Curves for Helical Pile Capacity

Foundation Supportworks Senior Applications Engineer, Don Deardorff, P.E., presents a white paper on the results of field tests on drive motors and hydraulic torque indicators . . . more

MacLean Power Systems Civil Group is Awarded a U.S. Patent for the Strength Squared Pipe Coupling System

The product is designed to redirect the installation torque into the coupler and welds to offer the needed material resistance in installation . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Announces a New Release of the Company’s Technical Manual

The manual was first released in 2010, and it has now been updated to include more technical information on helical piles, brackets and other products . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Announces a New Version of HelixProTM Helical Pile and Tieback Design Software Program

The web-based software now includes (11) video tutorials to assist new users navigate the program from the home page to printing a report. . . more

Hubbell - Chance Civil Construction Releases New Wireless Torque Indicator

Strain gauge - based system displays torque on the Base Unit and on a Wireless Display . . . more

Ram Jack Manufacturing and Ram Jack Systems Distribution Receive ISO 9001 Certification

Ram Jack began its journey to obtain ISO certification in September 2012. Considerable planning and preparation was required . . . more

MPS Civil Group on the Move in U.S. and International Markets

MPS Civil Group (MPS) has been very busy showcasing its helical pile and helical anchor products and hosting new international clients . . . more

Foundation Supportworks’ Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Don Deardorff, Provides Insight on the Value of Thorough Soil Investigations

Identifying suitable bearing stratum is paramount for design engineers in order to avoid potential costly change orders on deep foundation projects . . . more

MPS Civil Products Group Continues to Be An Industry Leader with Current Helical Product Accreditations

MPS was one of the first helical manufacturers to receive ICC-ES certifications and today still leads the industry with certifications for (4) products. In 2013 MPS Civil was also awarded its LA Research report . . . more

Ram Jack’s ESR1854 is Updated by ICC-ES to Include Compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code

Ram Jack’s helical pile products are certified for certain design wind loads and load combinations . . . read about it now - scroll down to last page

Ram Jack is Awarded City of Los Angeles Certification for Manufacturing

Ram Jack receives a fabricator license number for specialty fabrication of helical anchors and capabilities of lightweight steel from the Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Announces Revisions to ESR-3074 and Florida Code

ESR is revised to include compliance with 2006, 2009 and 2012 International Building Code and 2010 Florida Building Code - Residential . . . read about it now

Ram Jack Releases Ram Jack Foundation SystemsTM Helical Pile Design Software Program for Engineers and Contractors

Web-based software has been completely revised to make it more versatile and user friendly . . . more

MacLean Civil Group Launches MVP - a Grouted Helical Product to Compete with Auger Cast Piles

Early test results reveal an increase in compression capacity of 97% over non-grouted round shaft helical pile . . . more

Foundation Supportworks is Granted the Industry’s 4th ICC-ES Certification

ESR-3074 certifies the company’s 2.875” helical pile plus (4) brackets . . . more

Ram Jack’s ESR-1854 is the Second to be in Compliance with IBC 2009 and IBC 2012 per the Revised AC358

All ESR report holders must complete the revised certification process by December 1st  to be in compliance or their ESR’s will be suspended . . . more

Ram Jack Doubles Its Powder Coating Production Capacity

In addition to increasing capacity significantly, the company also commits significant resources to help Hurricane Sandy homeowners with reconstruction . . . more

MacLean Power Systems Civil Products Group Announces Upgrade to Its MRDS Helical Design Software

Software offers engineers automatic and user-driven design calculation options for virtual analysis of MacLean’s helical pile and tension anchor systems . . . more

MacLean Power Systems Civil Products Group Announces Renewal of ICC-ES ESR-3032

MPS Civil Products Group currently has the largest number of products approved under ICC-ES AC358 . . . more

MacLean Power Systems Announces - Civil Products Group (CPS)

This newly created division of MacLean Power Systems will provide helical pile product solutions for the construction market . . . more

Foundation Supportworks Releases HelixProTM Software Program

Released in September of last year, HelixProTM is a web-based program designed to help engineers design solutions with helical piles, anchors and tiebacks . . . more

Ram Jack News

Ram Jack Manufacturing Starts Up New State-of-the-Art Thermoplastic Powder Coating Production Line   . . . more

MacLean-Dixie News

MacLean-Dixie adds metric support to its popular MDRS helical pile design software . . . more

MacLean-Dixie News

MacLean-Dixie HFS makes important additions and enhancements to its MDRS helical pile design software . . . more

MacLean-Dixie News

MacLean-Dixie HFS announces new MDRS helical pile design software . . . more

Ram Jack News

Ram Jack is awarded contract to produce 50,000 helical piles for solar array project in San Bernardino County, CA . . . read about it

MacLean-Dixie HFS Receives ICC-ES ESR-3032 Evaluation Report

Round Corner Square Bar & Round Shaft Helical Piles with Allowable Capacities Ranging from 27.5 to 50 KIPS – Engineers Have More Design Options with Code-Certified Helical Pile Products . . . more

HPW Manufacturer News Archive