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Recently Released Paper - An Experimental Evaluation of Helical Piles as a Liquefaction-Induced Building Settlement Mitigation Measure
Recently Dr. Ramin Motamed, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Nevada Reno, released a paper that details the results of conducting simulations of a seismic liquefaction event using a 2.9 meter tall laminar soil box that was positioned atop a shake table located at the Powell Laboratory at the University of California San Diego facility. Dr. Motamed and his team constructed a shallow foundation that was positioned on top of a three-layer deposit configuration of sand - a dense layer, followed by a loose layer with a crust layer on top. (4) helical piles were installed and attached to the simulated shallow foundation with side load brackets.
This study was funded by PEER -
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Click Here to Read Dr. Motamed’s Paper
NOTE: Anyone clicking on this link before November 20, 2021 will be taken directly to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect, which they are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required
Ram Jack provided the helical piles, the side load brackets and installation services.
Click Here to Watch a Video of the Testing - Produced by Ram Jack
October, 2021
by Bill Bonekemper