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Phases I, II & III of the DFI Helical (Screw) Pile Seismic Study are Now Completed
February, 2018
by Bill Bonekemper
The Deliverables from These Completed Phases of the Study
are Now Available for Viewing and Downloading
Phase I - an extensive global literature review and interview process with organizations involved with helical (screw) piles in seismic areas
The result of the work surrounding this phase has now been published as a DFI Journal Paper. Dr. Amy Cerato’s paper titled “A Critical Review: State of Knowledge in Seismic Behavior of Helical Piles” is now available for viewing and downloading from the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) website under the menu selection View DFI Journal Issues - only for members of DFI.
To join the DFI and gain access to the paper - please click here
Click here to read the abstract
Phase II - full-scale field load tests of helical (screw) piles under seismic conditions at the UC San Diego shake table facility
Phase II was successfully completed in February 2016. To read about the testing and to see videos please click here
Phase III - helical (screw) pile full-scale test data analysis
Millions of data points gathered from the instrumented helical piles were analyzed and compiled by Dr. Cerato and her team over many months of work. Phase III was successfully completed with the posting of the compiled test data on the NEHRI website.
The Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) is a distributed, multi-user, national facility that provides the natural hazards engineering community with state-of-the-art research infrastructure. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), NHERI enables researchers to explore and test ground-breaking concepts to protect homes, businesses and infrastructure lifelines from earthquakes and windstorms, enabling innovations to help prevent natural hazards from becoming societal disasters.
The research infrastructure includes earthquake and wind engineering experimental facilities, cyberinfrastructure, computational modeling and simulation tools, research data and expert personnel. When coupled with education and community outreach, NHERI will facilitate research and educational advances that contribute knowledge and innovation toward improving the resiliency of the nation's civil infrastructure to withstand natural hazards.
Click here or the logo above to access the test data
(Note: if the report does not display - try again later; it is somewhat inconsistent)