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Project Issue

Debris from the old on-site landfill that was not indicative to what was shown on the provided borings caused low torque readings in the SS175 dewatering building piles. Piles were advanced deeper through the debris until design torque was achieved. The square shaft pile failed load test (buckling) due the additional embedment depth.

Solution #1: Added additional trailers and installed to design depth but still failed, although not by much

Solution #2: Engineer of record reduced the required load capacity of the piles and added 44 sister piles

  • Install (71) AB Chance SS175 square shaft helical piles to an embed depth of 32’-0” for a Dewatering Building
  • 10”/12”/14” leads were used
  • New construction caps
  • Installation torque of 10000Ftlbs.
  • Install (105) AB Chance SS5 square shaft helical piles to an embed depth of 14’-0” for a pipe rack
  • 10”/12”14” leads were used
  • New construction caps
  • Installation torque of 4000 ft.lbs.
  • Piles were installed with a Cat 305 excavator equipped with a 16K Digga drive head and CTS torque Hub monitoring
  • Installer: Breslin Contracting, Inc
  • Location: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
  • General Contractor: Michael F Ronca & Sons
  • Pile Design: Earth Anchoring Suppliers
  • Project: Rehoboth Beach WWTP Upgrades

Breslin Contracting Installed (176) Helical Piles for a Waster Water Treatment Plant in Rehoboth Beach, DE

Spring, 2024

Breslin Contracting