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Soil Types and Mixed Soils in HeliCAP® Version 3.0

Engineers can choose from seven soil types – clay, sand, mixed, organics, clay fill, sand fill, and mixed fill – in HeliCAP V3.0, the proprietary helical capacity design software developed by Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. for its CHANCE® foundation solution products.  Five of the seven soil types can be defined with N value entries.  However, mixed soils and mixed fill cannot be defined with only N value entries.  Cohesion, friction angle, and unit weight must be input by the user.  In addition, the user can over-ride any soil parameter determined by N-value.  Therefore, HeliCAP makes it easy to control each soil strength parameter used to determine bearing capacity.  Changing N-value correlations is recommended for experienced users.

As soil information is entered, the soil canvas will update showing distinct soils layers with unique color and texture. Drag the cursor over the little blue circle with the “i” in the center to see information about that soil layer.  The soil canvas will look the same for Tension and Compression Application Mode – the “0” depth will appear at the top of the canvas.  For Tieback and Soilscrew modes, the “0” depth will appear below the top – 30 feet in US Units and 10 meters in SI units.

Some tutorial videos are available online and more are in production. You can register for HeliCAP V3.0 online at The Google Chrome web browser is recommended.

December 2019

Hubbell - CHANCE